Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How to Choose a Triathlon Training Program

A beginner triathlon training program can make all the difference between success and failure for the aspiring triathlete. Finding a guide or a book is often the best place to start, but how do you know if the plan is right for you? What things do you need to know before you even start that first swim, bike or run? Starting with a proper training program can be just as difficult as the race itself.

When I first decided that I wanted to do a triathlon, I went online and found some simple beginner triathlon training programs. I looked at each of them and decided on the one that I thought was best. Little did I know about what to look for or what kind of preparation was required.

Well, needless to say, I was injured after the first week.

There's more to becoming a triathlete than just putting in the miles. In order to start a good triathlon training program, you need to be honest with yourself about what your current level of fitness and skill is for each of the triathlon disciplines. Maybe you're already a runner or a biker, but you don't know how to swim. Or maybe the farthest you've ever run is 2 miles. Or maybe you've never even done any of the three sports with much frequency and you just wanted a challenge. These are things that need to be considered.

Triathlon training can be very intensive. After all, you are conditioning yourself for three separate sports all at the same time. Plus you have to manage everything else that goes along with your busy life like family, work, friends, hobbies, etc. Finding a plan that you can fit into your life will be one of the keys to your success. Even days of rest have to be scheduled into your plan. As a beginner, this will seem very overwhelming, picking the correct program will make all the difference.

So where to begin? Looking at books, articles, and online guides are all good places to start. But the most important thing to keep in mind is that no one program that you find anywhere is going to be exactly right for you.

Yes, that is such an important point, that I'll say id again: No triathlon training program that you find online, in a book, in a magazine, or from your friend is going to work exactly for you.

A beginner triathlon training program needs to be something that will work for you.

There are so many variables to consider, that not one single program could possibly work for everyone. So that is why it is important to be honest and realistic with your current level of fitness and skill. Take a look at each of the disciplines and decide where you need the most help. And be sure to check with your doctor about whether or not you'll be causing any health problems by taking on a rigorous event like a triathlon race.

For instance, if you're not a runner, or if you haven't run with any consistency for a few years, you need to start off very slow with your run training program. Maybe even incorporate some walking into your run training in order to build up your lower leg endurance.

If all you have is an old mountain bike, then you'll have to decide whether you can use that for your training, or if you need to invest in a new bike. You can certainly get by on the cheap with your triathlon gear, but if you like to spend money on gear, then triathlon is the sport for you!

Let's not forget about swimming. The swim leg of the race is probably the biggest barrier for any beginner triathlete to overcome. And chances are a beginner triathlete doesn't even know how to swim properly. Perhaps you'll need to sign up for some swim lessons in order to jump start your swim program. Proper technique and feeling comfortable in the water will go along ways toward your success and enjoyment of your swim training.

You'll also need to consider a plan for your recovery and maintenance. Things like stretching and sports massage are important for the high volume of training that you will take on. Even your diet needs to be considered. You'll be burning up a lot more calories, so a quality diet will be very important to your success.

So congratulations to you for taking the first step in choosing to do a triathlon. Now as a beginner, you have a tough but rewarding journey as you begin your training. I'm a firm believer that anyone be a successful triathlete. It's just a matter of whether or not you choose too. And by choosing and customizing a triathlon training for beginners program, you will be giving yourself the best chance for having a successful race.

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